Wednesday 25 February 2009

Generational marketing...

Generational marketing is the idea that marketers can aim their product at a particular generation; silver surfers, tweens, generation Y, etc.

The group we were asked to concentrate on was Generation Y; a group of young adults and late teens who seem to have different values and opinions on life to that of older generations. They care more about enjoying life than getting the best jobs; therefore they are happy to accept a run of the mill salary in exchange for flexible hours and enough spare time to do the things they enjoy. They are the children of the "baby boomers" and have grown up with a variety of different media available to them. They have iPods, personal computers, video games and are often called the "internet generation".

When forming opinions on brands, Generation Y pays particular attention to more modern ideas (such as their green credentials). They like brands that "present themselves in the right way", with companies like Apple, H&M and Adidas having previously come out in the top 10 lists of their favoured brands.

Being an image conscious generation means that brands that appear to be cool (like Apple) will always appeal more than other brands that may provide a similar service. The constant struggle to keep up with ever changing fashions means that if a brand can appear desirable to a substantial quantity of young people then many others will follow.

There is far more exposure to advertisement, so in order to stand out advertising towards generation Y tends to be more humour based. Brands like Cadbury's manage to raise awareness and stay the topic of conversation by using humour to their advantage.

The advantage of generational marketing is that like many other approaches it allows us to segment our target audience into groups, thus allowing us to include particular features in our marketing that will appeal to particular groups. This approach will work for all different generations.


Ruth Hickmott said...

It's ok but youcould improve it with more reference to theory and what changes between the gerneations e.g. values, life experiences and so on

Hero said...

Ruthy! Working so late? Surely you have to knock it on the head at some point...theory and pics to be added later. I'm just trying to get the basics down so that I can expand on it if that's okay with yourself?