Wednesday 25 February 2009

Memories, like the corners of my mind...

Ahh...memories eh? Jumpers for goalposts, newcomers go in goal, headers and volleys...nice isn't it?

Memories play a key part in the buying process (whether we realise it or not). When remembering times from our past we tend to look back with rose tinted glasses on the way things were...everything always seemed easier in days of yonder didn't it? The truth is, they probably weren't any better than present day, just different triumphs and failures. But it's human nature to look back on the past and remember the good things. And as marketers, we can twist this to use it to it's full advantage.

If we can bring consumers back to "the good old days" the chances are they will strike up an emotional attachment to our brand or product which means they will start buying our stuff! The more they buy our stuff, the better chance we have of getting them into the "evoked set". The so-called "evoked set" is a group of brands that immediately come to mind when we are looking into purchasing a particular product. If we can push our brand to the forefront of people's minds then we have a much better chance of enjoying sustained commercial success.

The general public's desire for "all things retro" has opened a whole new market to products and brands that may have been on the slide recently. By using retro branding and tapping into people's nostalgic ideals, brands like Monster Munch, Wispa and Adidas have enjoyed fair success in recent times. ... if you click on the link it should take you to an article on the main reason behind the relaunch of the old Monster Munch - nostalgia.

The recent Hovis advert is another example of marketers using nostalgia to sell there products. The advert uses a scatter-gun approach...they go through pretty much the last 100 years so they have to strike a chord with someone, right? Have a look and see what you think...

1 comment:

Ruth Hickmott said...

I love your writing style - it is really upbeat and amusing. Great clips as examples